Restorative, nurturing, grounding.

massage with Anna

brighton uk

“My massage with Anna was quite extraordinary. I treated myself to 120 minutes, and I’m so glad I did as the time passed in a flash! I was put at ease and felt safe throughout my time. Anna has an intuition with bodies that is a real gift. I have had Thai massage before but this felt like something new/ different – something like acu-pressure – that helped my muscles release the tension they have been holding for so long. Days later and I’m still feeling the benefits in my body. Highly recommend!”

Creating space for balance

My name is Anna and I am passionate about the healing and nurturing power of touch. I offer bodywork sessions designed to help you experience more presence and comfort in your body. By allowing tension to soften and emotions to move, you can invite more freedom, connection and vitality into your life.

Thai massage offers a pause, an anchor, a chance to come back to ourselves as well as a reference for change outside of the treatment room.

What to expect

Thai massage is a mat based, fully clothed, whole body approach to bodywork. It utilizes compression and acupressure style techniques, assisted stretching and gentle rocking to bring more balance to the living body. Have a look at F.A.Q. below or get in touch to find out more.

Frequently asked questions

Through the use of touch, massage addresses a fundamental human need, and helps to organize our sensory awareness by improving interoception, proprioception and body mapping, resulting in a healthier, freer body and more grounded mind.

“Experiencing Thai massage with Anna left me feeling so good! I felt like I offered to my body something of great value- it wasn’t just a massage, it was like I was learning more about my body. There were parts that I didn’t even know existed! It’s like you live in the same town your whole life and one day you discover a new avenue! Thank you, you were attentive, genuine, warm, and you made me feel safe. I will be booking again when in Brighton!”